Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Eat The Rainbow & I ain't talking Skittles Here!

Believe it or not, both Hubs and I were asleep at the stroke of midnight.  Well, mostly asleep.  The fireworks woke us briefly.  We did, however, wake early enough to greet the New Year sunrise.  It was golden and beautiful.  We shared a hug and kiss and Hubs went back to bed.  LOL

While he rested, I took a tour in the pantry.  I was amazed to find a few things I had shoved to the back and forgotten.  Fortunate, really.  I found agave syrup, rice syrup, molasses, organic long grain and wild rice, barley, bulgur, farro, brown rice and 7-grain cereal!  Imagine that!  What a way to start the year off right!

I also found a great seasonal 'Eat the Rainbow' chart after a little investigation online yesterday.  I hope it helps you as much as it does me!

So, for breakfast today, I made what I am lovingly calling Blue Goo.  It's 7-grain cereal, blueberries, flax seeds & wild pecans (Thank you Mom!) with a spoonful of local honey and a small pat of butter.  It was very tasty and let me tell you, one serving of this stuff kept me completely satisfied until lunch.  I also had a cup of coffee but instead of my normal white sugar, I used the agave syrup.  A little bit of this stuff goes a long way.  It's very sweet but didn't give my coffee a funky taste.  All in all, delicious breakfast.

Lunch was homemade split pea soup with a slice of toasted homemade honey oatmeal bread with a  smidge of butter.  Again, filling, nutritious and completely satisfying.  The recipes are in the links. 
As you can see, I like to cook so it'll be easier for me to stick to the Clean Eating.  Hubs is onboard too and even agreed to going meatless a few nights a week.  I see falafel and eggplant parmesan in our future! Yum!
Dinner tonight was Spicy Chicken Pinwheels with garlic sautéed spinach.  The only modifications I made to the recipe was to use agave nectar instead of white sugar.  It was a great way to use up some of the leftover chicken I had.  I had one pinwheel and a large amount of spinach.  Hubs ate three pinwheels and requested one be packed up for his lunch tomorrow.  Winner winner, chicken dinner!

So, how did I do eating Roy G. Biv today?  Let's see.  Red tomatoes. Orange carrots secretly hidden in the pea soup. Yellow mushrooms & onions?  Green spinach and peas.  Indigo and violet blueberries and black olives.  WOOHOO!  I did it! 

I did have a small snack this evening. It's very cold and windy and I was seriously craving hot chocolate.  I busted out the cocoa powder, stevia, whole milk (yes, we drink real whole milk here), pinch of salt and vanilla and enjoyed my cuppa  chocolaty goodness.  It was so satisfying. 

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