Monday, January 7, 2013

A New Hope

Yeah, I love Star Wars!  Apparently it's deep in my subconscious as I typed in the header without even a thought.  Pretty funny.  The chest & abs on Luke are also pretty damn funny.  I don't recall Mark Hamill ever being that buff!

Well, I made it through the holiday season!  Yes, I ate too many cookies and too much food in general but fortunately, I only gained back 3 pounds. I was shocked and amazed!

Obviously, my New Year's resolution is to eat the CAD.  I know I really did feel better when I was following the diet.  I've also decided that I will eat no fast food this year.  Between the two, I should lose more weight but more than that, I will be healthier.  That's the ultimate goal.  To get off my high blood pressure meds and never worry about it again. 

I'm car less today and I need to go grocery shopping so I will officially begin next week. I'm sort of working my way back into it.  Getting my mind prepared. 

I even dreamed about it last night. I dreamed it was morning and I went into the kitchen and made a cheese omelet. Guess my subconscious is working overtime. Even in my sleep, I'm sticking to the CAD.