Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Year's Resolution for 2014: Part 1

Or maybe a few resolutions.  Obviously, I didn't complete the year how I started.  In truth, I actually completed the year heavier than I began by about 15 pounds.  I'm not happy about this but it's reality.

It's been a difficult year.  I still haven't settled into a good job, financially we're just keeping our heads above water, and I'm mentally, spiritually and physically exhausted. 

The good news is I've spent the last few months really looking hard at myself, digging deep into places I basically refused to look at before.  You know, those ugly little dark corners that we don't even want to admit exist, much less shine a light on.  But it was necessary because until I did, I knew I was going to be stuck.  What's the definition of insanity?  Doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. 

This year is the year for changes.  All sorts of changes.  I plan on addressing each and every part of myself and then reaching out beyond myself as well.  How am I going to do this?  Well, I do understand that to reach long-term goals, I must start by making short-term ones.  Simple, small things done every single day will add up to large changes.  So here are a few of the long-term goals for 2014.  They may seem a bit vague at the moment but I promise, as time passes, they will become more concrete.

Stay tuned!

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